The bsp program (sxqbsp3.exe) is a merge of code mods to the original Sin qbsp3 by David Hyde on the one hand (gensurf support and assorted bug fixes), and Tim Smith & Armin Rigo on the other (Quark enhanced texture positiong). It hasn't been extensive tested, so any problems should be notified to: The original Sin qbsp3 seems to handle texture-positioning better than than Q2 qbsp3 does, and David Hyde's build of qbsp ( uses floating point coordinates, so if something goes spectacularly wrong with this, you can try either of those and see if it's better. But whatever you do, *DO NOT* pester Ritual Entertainmen about any problems with sxqbsp3! The qvis3.exe and qrad3.exe programs are the regular ones in the `Retail Sin Utilities', available from You should get this .zip, since it contains many other useful programs.